Additional Services

During your stay at AREA 47 in the Ötztal you have free access to additional services and free amenities. We only want the best for you: WiFi, of course. GoPro, how cool! Heat lounge, hot! What else?

Everything you need for your action-packed holiday

Other services in AREA 47

Two people take a selfie over drinks on the terrace of AREA 47, Ötztal, Tyrol

With us you can go offline with peace of mind. But you don’t have to: there’s free WiFi throughout the AREA 47 site so you can report back to your crew at home on how well you’re doing.

GoPro demo station at AREA 47 with exhibition and rental area, Ötztal, Tyrol

GoPro Lounge
No one will believe you? Borrow a free GoPro, capture the action, and be a hero! Latest model with Floaty, holder, and memory cards available.

Person relaxing in the warmth lounge of AREA 47, surrounded by infrared radiators, Ötztal, Tyrol

Heat Lounge
Right by the outdoor base, you can warm your bones in the Heat Lounge after a cool canyoning adventure and a rafting session. Lean back and enjoy the warmth of the infra-red radiators.

Exterior view of the SunUp Sports Shop in AREA 47 with clothing and accessories offers, Ötztal, Tyrol

SunUp Shop
Directly in AREA 47, you’ll find functional outdoor clothing from various brands, such as non-slip bikinis, bikewear and much more in our SunUp shop. Modern bikes and equipment are available for hire.

Illustration of the AREA 47 site map showing water areas, attractions, and buildings

AREA 47 location map

Where can I find all the services?

GoPro lounge here, beach volleyball courts there – Boulder Cave where? Here you’ll find a map of our outdoor universe in the Ötztal.

Start your tour